With ATO Protect, you can update the domain of the Trusonaify Verification Link to match your company's domain. This means that your end users will not get confused when sent the link as the domains will look familiar. The process for updating this domain is simple and only requires Trusona to work with the team that manages your DNS configuration for your company.

The full process takes less than two hours and only requires the addition of two CNAME records to your company's DNS.

  1. Email [email protected] and mention that you want to change the domain for your Trusonaify Verification Link. If you already know the domain you'd like to use, mention that as well.
  2. Our team will reach out to you and either work to set up a call to perform the changes live, or send you the records via email, whichever you prefer.
  3. Trusona will make the domain change on your behalf, then send you the first CNAME record to implement.
    1. This first CNAME record will be to verify a certification for your domain and will contain value and target strings.
  4. Once the first CNAME record is in place and live, Trusona will send you the second CNAME record to implement.
    1. The second CNAME record will be used to route the URL correctly and will contain value and target strings.
  5. Once the second CNAME record is in place and live, you are done!