This article will help you register in the Trusona app. Registration is necessary to be able to utilize Trusona’s passwordless technology. With a Trusona account, you will be able to use secure passwordless authentication with companies who have set this up, set up TOTP codes for all websites, and use your driver’s license as an additional authentication factor when you upgrade to Trusona Executive for free.
Register with Trusona
You will only be able to use passwordless technology with companies who have set up passwordless authentication with Trusona.
1. Download the Trusona app in either the Apple app Store of the Google Play Store
2. Select "Get started"
3. Enter your email address
4. Confirm the email you entered is correct
5. Allow for Camera and Notifications
6. Select "Open my email app"
7. Open the email Trusona sent you and select the "Verify Email" button. You will then be redirected to a webpage. Select, 'Verify Email' and then ‘Open Trusona’ to navigate back to the Trusona app.
8. Congratulations, you are now registered with Trusona!
9. Now you can try authenticating with Trusona by visiting
Magic Links
It is important to note that the reason Trusona requires you to click two links to verify your account is because some email providers have security features to identify and neutralize phishing attacks. When the solution is trying to follow malicious links, it auto-clicks them. When this security feature is enabled, any product that uses email magic links to provide one-time authentication can expose itself to fraudulent activity. That means a bad actor could register to an authentication service using someone else’s email address and get access to their account — even without the real user clicking the registration link. To combat this vulnerability, Trusona includes a dedicated step in the email verification process of our mobile app registration flow. Once the magic link has been clicked, this step requires the user to actively click on a second link within a web browser, thereby ensuring that only the email account owner can complete the registration, even if the safe link feature is enabled.